The Oso Snowboard Lesson Project

in collaboration with Arapahoe Basin and with support from Colorado Parks and Wildlife, the Summit Foundation, and the Moniker Foundation, is in full swing in winter 2024!

Over 40 Spanish speaking participants have signed up, and each are receiving a series of 4 beginning snowboard lessons with rental equipment and a pass for the day, taught by a local, bilingual and bicultural immigrant community member.

Participants who complete the program will also receive an A-Basin pass, good for the rest of the season.

Check back for updates!

Oso Outdoors is Mountain Dreamers' Outdoor Equity & Inclusion Initiative.

Oso Outdoors increases opportunities and dismantles barriers in order for immigrants, non-English speakers and other underrepresented communities in the mountains to be able to access the outdoors and public lands. Oso Outdoors is a progressive, inclusive, and sustainable effort that is led by people from the mountain immigrant and BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) community.

For questions or opportunities for collaboration with Oso Outdoors please reach out to Javier -